Front-end Developer 👋

Hi, I'm Lennon Perez, a passionate web | mobile developer with more than 2 years of professional experience, currently based in Venezuela 📍


My professional skills


  • JavaScript

  • TypeScript

  • React

  • React Native

  • Next.js

  • Gatsby

  • Vue.js

  • Nuxt

  • Dart

  • Flutter

  • CSS3

  • SASS

  • Tailwind CSS

  • Bootstrap

  • HTML5


  • Node.js

  • Express.js

  • Firebase

  • Python

  • Lambda

  • PostgreSQL

My work

  • El Dorado Wallet - P2P

    This is a crossplatform app published in Google Play Store, Apple App Store and web, it lets you save and exchange crypto currencies for fiat currencies through a P2P marketplace at a low fee.

  • Invoices Manager

    This is a fullstack web app where you can manage your invoices, you can create, edit and delete an invoice by using a form. It was built using React, Redux, SASS and Strapi CMS connected to a mongoDB database.

  • Audiophile e-Comerce

    This is a classic e-comerce web, where you can add items to your cart, update the quantity either in the product page or in the cart itself, it has a checkout page where you can put your data in the form. It was built using React, Redux and SASS.

  • Rock Paper Scissors

    This is a web where you can play the classic game, although, there's also an option to play a version of the game called: rock, paper, scissors, lizard, or spock, it was built using SASS and React.

  • Employees Manager

    This is a web app where you can manage employees using CRUD operations, like create, edit and delete employees, it was built using Vue JS, Vuex, TypeScript, SASS and Firestore for the database.

Get in touch!

Have you got an interesting idea?, you can contact me through this form, or through my social networks. Let's talk!